Tuesday, March 15

On the hunt...

I have a love-hate relationship with interior design.

Each time I try to decorate a room I go into sensory overload.  I want to to design the entire room 100 different ways, 99 of which I probably can't afford. 

I am currently working to incrementally improve my living/dining room, as always on a budget.
I inherited a BEAUTIFUL family heirloom which is priceless to me. It has become the center of my inspiration for the decor and design - (more to come on that later).

This mission begins with the hunt for the perfect couch.
Due to the traditional style of my family heirloom (and honestly my penchant for classic design) I am looking for something in a neutral color with striking architectural design.

What do you think of these?
I love the lines of this piece.  While too large for my space and certainly not the right color, it oozes elegance I can't resist.

This couch is closer to the right color; however, I'm don't want a couch that screams


The Kelly over at Much to Do With Nothing reupholstered this couch!!!
Could I do that?  Maybe if I find the right couch at a the right price this would be a viable option?


Something more linear like this Crate & Barrel sofa would work as well.

Oh me, oh my!!!
Ok my interior design gifted friends, what do you think?

Monday, March 14

It's just a floor....

The flooring guy came today.
Phase 1 of Home Improvement Take 2.

Flooring is expensive.  Ouph, or maybe it just that almost ALL of my flooring needs to be replaced.
Master Bedroom
Guest Bedroom
Upstairs Hallway
2 Flights of Stairs
Mud Room

Whew.  I am think I want to get hardwood floors EVERYWHERE!
Anybody ever installed their own hardwood.  I'm talking locking wood, the "easy" kind. I'm thinking about testing it out in my office which is a small 10 x 10 room.

Any tips, or hints?

While looking for pretty floors, I also found these:

I love the idea of painted floors but would have a hard time covering up hardwood floors.
It certainly doesn't fit with my plan to upgrade my house in a way that would make it easy to sell.
But tell me that those gorgeous floors, don't scream with Southern charm, and personality :)

Saturday, March 12

To Stay or Not to Stay...

For those of you that follow, you know I've been working to improve and ultimately sell my house over the last several months.  The need to sell my house began when I accepted a job in September.  Facing a 2 hour commute, I felt as if I was backed into a corner.  I had spent so much time working on my perfect little foreclosure to turn it into my perfect little home & now the de-personalization began.

I shipped boxes, and boxes, and boxes to my boyfriend's house. I emptied nearly every closet.  I sold "unnecessary" furniture.  I painted my beautifully colored walls, boring neutrals.  The remnants made a tidy, little, townhome perfectly suited for a family to show it some love and attention.
Well, good news - I found that family.


That's right, after all the personalization, de-personalization, emptying of closets, I've decided to stay put.  Ok, I'm fickle but not that fickle.  In all honesty, selling my house didn't work out.  Thanks to a very flexible boss and some exceptional negotiating I began working remotely yesterday and I start re-renovating my house TODAY!

I have a different goal, this time around.  I want to improve my townhome and I am excited to "personalize" my space again; however, I want to sort out all the clutter.  The things I packed 6 months ago and haven't missed are going to Goodwill. All my home projects are going to start with a plan and an inspiration board.

I want to ensure the next time I try to sell my house that it's easy & marketable without too much work.
I want to turn my home into a livable model.

Step 1.  Create a "To-Do" List
Step 2. Create a "Wish" List.

Friday, March 11

Unhealthy Obsession

Ok, I have a confession to make.
I have an unhealthy obsession with weddings.
If it didn't require me to give up all my weekends, I think I would consider being a wedding planner.

It's not the same obsession a newly engaged woman has with planning a wedding.
My obsession resembles that of an art enthusiasts love of paintings.
I actually love all the little details of a wedding.

Weddings are the perfect storm for me.
The fashion.
The dress(es).
The colors.
The flowers.
The photos.
The story.
The romance.
The love.

I am a HOPELESS romantic and each and every wedding gets me.
I cry when I watch weddings on the television.
I don't know those people.
They have no emotional significance to me.
I just get excited for them.

So for those of you that think my wedding posts are sending some secret message.
I'm sorry to disappoint - I truly just love weddings.

So for your enjoyment, & my daily fix, ENJOY!


Hi there...

Sorry it's been so long.
Lots to update you on - more posts to come this weekend :)