Friday, November 12

Crash & Burn....

Yet another apology from me.
So soon too.
Yup my computer crashed on me.  
Thankfully, I have not resorted to shopping in real stores in my underwear.

I have had the worst luck with electronics this month.  Dropped the iPhone, my contract doesn't come up for renewal until June so I couldn't upgrade to the iPhone 4 (boo).  My computer craps out on me when I trying to start my own business, and just got into the routine habit of blogging again (Ugh).  I'm usually pretty technically savvy, after all I do sell software.  

I've set some pretty intense goals for myself at work and if I achieve them, and in turn receive the commission for them, I plan on buying myself on of these beauties:

That's right folks - I'm going to an Apple only residence.  Enough with P.C's and their Bill Gates mentality.  Steve Jobs and his brilliant marketing & questionably over priced products have won my affection for good, or now...who knows I'm a fickle girl.

In the mean time, I will try to squeeze in some time to blog in the evenings.  I have some really good blogging topics pent up from the past week without an outlet.  

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