Saturday, January 15

Spring...YaY - Wait, what?

January is quickly ticking by.  We already celebrated the New Year and b/f's birthday, my birthday is just days away and then Groundhog day will be upon us.  Punxsutawney Phil will poke his head out of that little burrow in Gobbler's Knob, and after this winter's bitter cold I think we all hope for an overcast February 2nd to ensure no shadows are in sight and we are in turn promised an early Spring.

You see the trouble with an early spring is it comes with bathing suit weather.  I am NOT ready for bathing suit weather.  I admittedly have not been to a gym in months.  As if that weren't bad enough, I have indulged in every treat, meal, drink that made my little heart happy since Thanksgiving, if not earlier. I wriggle into what used to be my "big-girl" jeans using every ounce of effort I have.  It is certainly not lost on me that my current state is entirely my fault which in turn means it is entirely up to me to fix it; however, I hope that I can rely on you to encourage me, push me, motivate me.  After all we learned over New Year's, women are more likely reach their goals if they are made public and are able to rely on external support.  So dear support system (& self) don't let me down now.

Day 1:  I ran 3 miles in the brutal cold this morning.  It's a start - hopefully I can look a little more like this for the upcoming bathing suit season & my trip in March.

More to come!


  1. So what is the running plan for the upcoming week, if we are to help hold you accountable?

  2. So far, the goal is just to keep up the running. Too often the 3 hours of commuting & 10 hours of working steall all my energy. At least 3 days a week!


Let me know what you're thinking, practicing or just let me know you're still reading. Pursue perfection!