Saturday, January 8

Love is in the air...

The Christmas decorations are packed, the clock has passed midnight of a new year, and still it feels like the holiday season.

Each year between November and February, I notice a distinct change in friends and strangers alike.
I've said it before, and I'll say it again....I love the holidays because everyone seems to be in love!

Already, the engagement count is up to 11 friends/acquaintances for this "holiday" time.
Congratulations to all my friends whom have made the commitment to start a family with one another.

Over the New Year's weekend, after several too many glasses of cheap champagne,  I got in a heated discussion with one of my dear guy friends.  He remarked that engagements had become so trivial and commercialized.  Society, namely women, had turned each special moment into a measurement of status and worth of a relationship. "Why do you think that?"  He simply remarked that now engagements are more about the ring than the vow that is being made. 

While I understand where he is coming from, I disagree.
I love hearing the engagement stories and cute quirks that make each relationship special.  
I almost never ask to see the "bling."  Each ring, or token exchanged during a proposal could have special meaning to a couple.  That's why I love the story.  That's where I do my judging.

How does your proposal story reflect the quirkiness and uniqueness of your relationship? 
Care to share your story with us?

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