Thursday, January 27

Not in the plans...

I love a good snow day as much as others but mother nature really put a big kink in my birthday plans.
Instead of blowing out birthday candles, I was shoveling snow.
Instead of a romantic dinner for two at the Melting Pot, we warmed up with DiGornio and the roommates.

While all of these might sound like complaints, they are not.  I am EXTREMELY thankful the my family and friends were safe last night.  I am happy my boyfriend and I both made it home prior to the eight hour commutes of most.  I delighted in spending my birthday on the couch with him, pizza and a cocktail.  It may not be like we had planned it, and I may still pick birthday candles over a snow shovel, but it still made for a pretty happy birthday.

As I "figuratively" blew out birthday candles last night, I not only wished for the safety, health, and happiness of my friends and family but I also made a secret little wish of my own.
Here's a cheers to superstitions.
Did your last birthday wish come true?

Mother Nature did give me a bit of a snow day today and I finally got out to take a few photos with my new camera.  Here there are for your enjoyment.

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