Wednesday, February 8

Pardon My Dust

Please bear with me the next few days, weeks, months. 

I was inspired to try and improve this little blog of mine and am in the process of "practicing." 
101 steps to become a better blogger talks about how to improve all aspects of the blog, some areas are more important than others.

Please know that while posts may become sparser, I am hard at work to make this a more enjoyable experience for you (& me). 

Because I am a closet geek I have decided to combine my passion of design and computers and try to create my own blog layout, design, etc.  I am not technically trained in this art so it's a learn as I go event.

I will try to share what I learn with you so that you might duplicate my successes and avoid my mistakes.  So bear with me, I'll try to provide some aesthetic & verbal updates along the way.


Let me know what you're thinking, practicing or just let me know you're still reading. Pursue perfection!