Thursday, February 2

The Great Couch Debacle

We've had guests the past few days, so I've been off entertaining and showing off our new home.  Now that they've departed, I'm back to fill the void and I can't believe I haven't shared our great couch debacle with you yet. 

A few weeks ago, I told you about our brand new sectional that was to arrive and accompany our newly hung gallery wall.

On the day of it's arrival, I anxiously awaited a comfortable place to sit.  When the delivery truck pulled down the street, I could be found doing cartwheels in the foyer!  As the first major piece of furniture we specifically purchased for the new home, reality of "our home" set in even more.

I supervised as the delivery men unloaded each plastic and cardboard wrapped piece of the sectional.  As they began to de-robe the little presents I was met with shock and horror.  *DUN, DUN, DUN*

The customized sectional with two armless chairs, instead of the standard bumper, was not actually customizable at all.  We did indeed receive two armless chairs, a couch, and a chaise as we had ordered; however, the armless chair, designed to be the end-cap of our sectional, was unfinished. 

The manufacturer clearly intended for the piece to be between two sectional pieces not stand on it's own.  I quickly began to scramble, calling Beau, the furniture store, and halting assembly of the much anticipated addition.

We decided to decline the delivery and send the WHOLE THING BACK!  We knew the bumper would not fit in our space so there was no room for compromise with the original couch.  Thirty minutes later, Beau picked me up and we went back to the store.

Upon entering, our original choice greeted us.  With heavy hearts we walked by her to find the new replacement.  We felt like we had seen everything the store had to offer during the first trip and the excitement of new furniture had waned.  Abusing the tape measure, we finally found a configuration we liked, and felt would fit.  We processed the exchange, and went home with a promise of a sectional the following morning.

I must tell you, much like in life, heartbreak often leads to a deeper love.  Our new sectional is perfect.  It feels like it was made just for our space.  It very comfortably fits the four of us (Beau, Deja, Palmer, and I) at night to snuggle and watch a good movie.

As a teaser, I have more house photos that I hope to share with you later - (I also promise they will be of better quality).

Ask & you shall receive!

1 comment:

  1. I like the collage effect above the sofa nd then the wall to the right with the sparse effect. Your new sofa looks very comfortable for the four of you to snuggle and relax. Thanks for sharing your story and your writing and your pictures.

    Love you and proud of you,

    The DadMan


Let me know what you're thinking, practicing or just let me know you're still reading. Pursue perfection!