Thursday, December 16

These are a few of my favorite things....

Every year around Christmas time, Oprah Winfrey has a show identifying her 10 favorite things. 
This year as part of her series finale she reveals 40 of her favorite things ranging in price from $5 - $100+.

This year I will provide my 1st annual list of my favorite things.
These are items I currently own that I could not imagine my life without.
  1. Bed Head Shampoo & Conditioner  - $37.90
    As a natural blond who has been "enhancing" my hair color since high school, I have often struggled with finding the right shampoo.  Earlier this year, I borrowed a friend's Bed Head & it changed my life.  OK, maybe it didn't change my life - but I haven't used anything since.  Not only do they have a luxurious (banana) scent but they leave my hair softer than it's ever been before.  Combined with Bed Head's leave in conditioner and split-end mender, my hair is in the best condition it's ever been in.

  2. My iPad - $499
    Oprah & I both share our love for the iPad.  Since purchasing my iPad earlier this year, I have constantly relied on it as a source for entertainment.  Not only do I use it as an e-reader but I take advantage of the gaming apps, internet, and email.  It's the perfect personal "computer" to take when traveling.  It's lightweight and doesn't cause nearly as many hassles when going through airport security.
  3. Quilted Laptop Brief by Brookstone $69.99Speaking of airport security, as a traveling sales woman, I often find myself grappling with my laptop bag as I try to make it through security without incident.  On a recent trip to Orlando, I found myself stuck in the FL airport for over 6 hours.  What else to do but shop; & I'm so happy I did.  I stumbled into a Brookstone store and came out with lovely addition to my luggage collection (not to mention her sister carry-on, I acquired).  The checkpoint friendly bag opens flat so you're fumbling a work laptop in or out.  Moreover, I had been searching high and low for a bag to carry my laptop in that wasn't completely atrocious.  I love that I can carry this bag as my purse/briefcase without a problem.
  4. Kitchenaid Artisan Stand Mixer  - $199.99
    I absolutely adore cooking and baking.  I don't know how anyone does it without one of these in their Kitchen.  I have not yet purchased any additional attachments but there are for sure on my list!  The combination of this and my "Hello Cupcake" book I feel unbeatable.
  5. Bootcut Jeans by Seven for all Mankind - $155
    The worst enemy of every woman is the swimsuit & then the jeans.  It is so hard to find a good fitting jean.  I love my Sevens and will never look back.  Don't get me wrong, I often times buy a pair of of trendy jeans from Express, or even Target; however, my tried-and-blues are my Seven for all Mankind bootcut jeans.  I have long legs, and Seven's offer a longer inseam than most the are the perfect amount of broken-in and resistant so I'm comfortable while still feeling just ever so slightly slimmer than normal.  In addition, I'm pretty sure they make my butt look good. 
  6. The Little Mermaid Special Edition Soundtrack - $18
    It's a long story, but my sister will understand.  It doesn't have to be the Little Mermaid, but honestly, when's the last time you listened to a childhood soundtrack?  Try next time you're in a funk or have had a bad day; you can't help but smile....especially if you sing out loud.
  7. Garnet Petite Ring by David Yurman ???
    My dearest sweetheart got this ring for me last year for Christmas.  I think I've worn it all but 2 days since & that was only because I forgot to put it back on after painting my house.  I love the beautiful garnet (my birthstone) and classic band.  Every lady needs at least one piece of jewelry that makes her feel special and unique.  Thanks Hun!
  8. Customized Closet by Closetmaid  - Depends on your system.
    These closet organizers can actually turn any little measly closet into the perfect form of organization, optimization and efficiency.  Doesn't hurt that it requires you to reassess exactly what you're keeping in your closet and why you're keeping that tee shirt from the 3rd grade anyway. 
  9. Kady Boots by Mossimo for Target - No longer Available.
    I wear these boots close to once a week.  The go with EVERYTHING and they make me feel sexy without causing enormous amounts of pain.  Skinny jeans - YES!  Casual Dress - YES!  Skirt & Top - I THINK SO!
  10.  Perdue Perfect Portions
    I'm a busy girl, so trying to eat healthy and at a reasonable time is difficult for me.  Although not too creative, these chicken breasts cook in as little as 20 minutes, can be cooked from frozen, and come pre-marinated in a number of different flavors.  When I don't have time to really cook, this is the perfect solution for me. 

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