Friday, March 11

Unhealthy Obsession

Ok, I have a confession to make.
I have an unhealthy obsession with weddings.
If it didn't require me to give up all my weekends, I think I would consider being a wedding planner.

It's not the same obsession a newly engaged woman has with planning a wedding.
My obsession resembles that of an art enthusiasts love of paintings.
I actually love all the little details of a wedding.

Weddings are the perfect storm for me.
The fashion.
The dress(es).
The colors.
The flowers.
The photos.
The story.
The romance.
The love.

I am a HOPELESS romantic and each and every wedding gets me.
I cry when I watch weddings on the television.
I don't know those people.
They have no emotional significance to me.
I just get excited for them.

So for those of you that think my wedding posts are sending some secret message.
I'm sorry to disappoint - I truly just love weddings.

So for your enjoyment, & my daily fix, ENJOY!


1 comment:

  1. I love reading your blogs and love you even more than you lve weddings! ;-)


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