Monday, February 21

I'm a Habitual Planner...

I'm a planner, always have been.

It manifests itself in several ways.
I plan my outfits for the week in advance.
I occasionally plan my blog posts in advance.
I'm already planning what to pack for my Florida vacation in 2 weeks.
I habitually plan restaurant week for my friends in August and January.
I, like most women, have been planning my dream wedding since I was 6.

I like surprises, but not in my schedule.
I'm a fan of plans and routines.
I like knowing the when, where, and who.

Trick is, you can't PLAN life.
Or at least, I haven't been able to successfully control that plan.
It's uncomfortable for me, but I'm trying. 
So here's to flying by the seat of your pants, 
Living in the moment, 
& putting your trust in someone else to handle the planning.

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