Friday, January 20

I think I'll have my cake and eat it too!

Paula Deen has diabetes.  Bummer.

I still love her.  I'm not mad that she didn't tell anyone about her diabetes and I think you'd have to be a moron not to attribute at least part of the cause to her diet. I still love her.

In fact, I essentially celebrated a Paula Deen Christmas.  I received a Paula Deen pot set from Momma, the "Southern Cooking Bible" from Beau's Mom, & the roasting pan from G'Momma.  I told you, I love her.

Earlier this week I made one of the recipes from the cook book and have added it to my "regular repertoire."


1 Flank Steak
1 Green Bell Pepper
1 Sweet Onion
1/4 cup Olive Oil
1 Tbsp fresh lime juice
2 tsp ground red chili pepper OR 1 jalapeno pepper
1 1/2 tsp ground cumin
3/4 tsp garlic powder
Flour Tortilla
Accoutrement of choice

The night before:  Whisk together olive oil, lime juice, and spices (I used chili pepper instead of jalepeno because it's what I had on hand).  Poor marinade over steak in a shallow dish, cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate overnight.
  1. Allow steak to come to room temperature 30 minutes for cooking
  2. Slice peppers & onions and cook until tender.  (I sauteed mine on the cook top; however, Paula recommends grilling them for 3-4 minutes each side in a grill basket - Side Note: must obtain grill basket)
  3. Remove steak from marinade and cook until medium-rare.  (Again Paula recommends grilling over high heat for approximately 4 minutes per side - for simplicity's sake I choose to broil mine for 6 minutes per side in the oven)
  4. Allow steak to sit for 5 minutes, slice thinly, & serve.
We enjoyed this recipe so much I've already starting planning it's next appearance on our dinner table.

In this case, Paula didn't give me a lot I needed to modify - plain and simple if you don't load it up with sour cream or overload it with guac, you have yourself a fairly healthy meal.

I feel this way about any chef (professional, southern, or otherwise).  You can enjoy all the pieces of luxurious cooking - butter, cream, sugar, etc - in moderation.  During your weekly meal planning, look over the recipes and determine the pitfalls.  Ask yourself, can I substitute that stick of butter with something else?  What purpose is it serving?  If it can't be replaced or doesn't feel the same then make the dish but choose healthier meals the rest of the week.

You can't blame other people for not educating yourself.  I love Paula Deen because she reminds me of the southern, down-home, comfort cooking I grew up with; however, I saw that very same cooking wreak havoc on my family members health and waistlines.  I have therefore adapted their recipes and practiced moderation so I can have my cake and eat it too!

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