Wednesday, January 18

This is Easy!

You know, living together is a piece of cake.
I know two weeks (today) is a little early for such a declaration but I feel like I'm beaming from ear to ear.  We are having so much fun and it is FAR easier than I expected.

I expected to bicker more about decorating.  
I expected to need to "nag" him to clean up after himself. 
I expected to lose as many battles as I won.

The division of power seems to have sorted itself out.  I cook - he does the dishes; I vacuum - he takes out the trash.  I make the bed in the morning - he walks the dogs at night.

I think living together has made it easier to find common ground and compromise.  Maybe I've just adjusted my own previous expectations.  It's a joint effort that can only be accomplished by the two of us rather than any one individual alone.  I know personally, the pristine and classically decorated home I envisioned isn't coming to fruition; however, I like the one we're building together even more.  It feels like us - not some interpretation of a magazine ad.

We haven't paid the first round of bills together; however, we've already started to share more about our individual finances than ever before.  Each decision to spend or save seems to be more collective.  We've developed a "wish list" for the house and as we add to it we discuss where the item/project/wish lies in the priorities and what the requirements are to make each of us happy.  In fact just last night he poked fun at my ridiculous wish for a Roomba, while I reminded him that the 80" television may have to wait in terms of priorities.

It's not perfect.  We still bicker over silly things.  He still leaves the cap off the toothpaste and the toilet seat up, but it doesn't seem to matter as much.  Maybe it really is me that's changed; maybe, we're just growing up but I like it.

I'm happy and this feels easy!  At least far easier than hanging a gallery wall.


  1. As your other post points out, you've already figured out the key to living together - real compromise. Once you get that down, the rest is relatively, as you've put it, easy!

  2. With joint compromise come joint respect, love & admiration ;-)


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