Monday, January 23

An acutal conversation....

This is a loose recap of an actual conversation had in our home:
Me: "So I was thinking, if you can get me some of those pallets from work I can make two kick ass night stands for the Master."

Beau: "What pallets?"

Me: "Ya know, the ones shipments come in on."

Beau: "Oh yeah.....Are you going to stain them or something?  They can be pretty ugly."

Me: "Yeah I have it all figured out - I just need the pallets...some power tools."

Beau:  " Maybe we should get a different type of wood for the top and the bottom of the tables or maybe we should just buy nightstands - it might be easier."

Me: "Are you anti-DIY?"
I've mentioned before that I'm a little less fearful when it comes to a creative approach to decorating but sometimes I think there's a distinct difference between us DIY'ers and BUY'ers.

I mean, you're not going to find some of these beauties in a furniture store.  It's all about the character!

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