Thursday, June 23

Boring, fitness post

I hope that title works & no one ACTUALLY reads this.

So you, no doubt, have seen my Dear John letter by now. I have approximately 100 of those I could write.

Farewell Fast Food, Peace Out Pizza, Buh-Bye Microbrew, Sayonara Soda, Au Revoir Pinot Noir - you get the point.

The problem with weight loss is I'm not "fat." As I've mentioned before, I've been blessed; however, this predicament allows me to talk about how unhealthy or unfit I am without having to publicly face any sort of ridicule or humiliation and therefore essentially take no action.

So as I write this post (Thursday, June 23, 2011) I hesitate to publish it. I am about to disclose something almost no woman does. My honest weight.

Maybe I'll just keep it in my secret archives, never to be posted for general public viewing-does that defeat the purpose?

Today pre-diet, post grease ridden pizza dinner
Weight: 140 lbs

That for the record I believe is the most I've ever weighed.

Goal weight: 125 lbs
Start date: Right NOW

If I lose 1 lb per week I should reach my goal weight by October 7.

Here goes nothing.

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