I despise yard work. I am convinced that it is impossible to complete yard-work in a lady-like manner. If you still look like a pristine lady after yard work, you simply aren't working hard enough.
I am lucky enough to live in a community where my home owner's association maintains the basics of our landscaping (i.e. cutting the grass). This helps minimize the amount of yard work required by yours truly.
This past Sunday I tackled the overgrown patch, formerly known as my front yard.
That's right, those two plants are not in fact intentional but rather overgrown weeds. They weren't the only ones; however, they are the only two you can see from this photo.
In addition to an overgrown flowerbed, there was this:
This tree literally was growing out of control, new trunks, overwhelming limbs, etc. You can't even see my house beyond the branches of this DISASTER!So after 2 hours of work on Sunday afternoon, see the NEW and IMPROVED curb appeal.
I love my new hedge. I love that you can see my window while the bushes provide the perfect amount of privacy from prying eyes. I would eventually like to have the tree limbed up a bit more but it will require professional (or my boyfriend's father's) help.
I do owe an apology to my poor garbage men that had to pick this up on Monday morning.
Look for the next post on how to install a garbage disposal, sans boyfriend!
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